
Explanation on how to apply for red/yellow health code removal via the Enquiries and Assistance Platform

Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre
2022-06-28 23:11
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The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre states that, people who have recently been assigned a yellow or red health code due to declaration of incorrect residential address may visit the Enquiries and Assistance Platform for COVID-19 Prevention and Control (https://www.ssm.gov.mo/covidq), select “Apply for removal of red/yellow health code”, and make application by completing the required information and submitting supporting documents.

For people whose health codes have been converted to yellow or red for other reasons, they may visit the Enquiries and Assistance Platform for COVID-19 Prevention and Control to inquire the reasons for a locked health code and the corresponding quarantine requirements (unlocking methods). For latest information, please visit the Special Webpage against Epidemics, and enter the column “Health Code Status Identifiers – Table of Numeral Symbols” (https://www.ssm.gov.mo/apps1/PreventCOVID-19/en.aspx#clg21681).

The Centre reiterates that, regarding epidemic prevention and control, the public may inquire or ask for assistance by calling 2870 0800, via e-mail at info.cdc@ssm.gov.mo, by messaging to 6333 7492, or by visiting the Enquiries and Assistance for COVID-19 Prevention and Control (https://www.ssm.gov.mo/covidq) to make inquiries or request for help.  Bedridden or immobile critically ill persons are suggested to request assistance from families and friends first, those who still have difficulties may call the Social Welfare Bureau’s 24-hour hotline at 28261126 for assistance.

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