In response to the SAR Government’s electronic service initiative and to provide more convenient measures for the public, the Macao Public Library of the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) incorporated the electronic library card in the e-Card service of the mobile application “Common Access to Public Services of the Macao SAR”, so as to facilitate the public’s access to library resources and services and to promote reading culture.
An increasing number of library users is evident throughout the population in recent years. Currently, over 180,000 readers have applied for the Macao Public Library’s Library Card. In the first half of the year 2021, more than 130,000 borrowers were recorded and over 80% of them used self-service facilities to borrow books and audiovisual materials. In order to provide the public with more convenient access to library resources and services, users can now bind the Macao Public Library’s Library Card to “Common Access to Public Services of the Macao SAR” and present their library card in the mobile application. The scope and functions of the e-Card are the same as the electronic library card in the mobile application “My Library” and the physical library card. With the e-Card, users can reserve and borrow books and audiovisual materials, use the multimedia room and the group discussion room, make reservations and renew library items online, check the status of borrowed items, access electronic resources for online reading or borrowing at all public libraries under IC.
Members of the public may apply for the library card in person at all the public libraries (except the Senado Library) or apply through the login function of “Common Access to Public Services of the Macao SAR” in the mobile application “My Library”. They can also apply for or renew the library card and update their personal information at the self-service kiosks of the Identification Bureau at over 40 locations in Macao.
For enquiries, please contact the Macao Public Library, under IC, through tel. no. 2893 0077 during counter service hours, visit the Macao Public Library’s website at, or refer to the mobile application “My Library”.