The “Three Rings and Five Links” joint exhibition by MPI students was opened at the Pavilion of Exhibitions and Artistic Shows for Young People, showcasing their artwork mainly in traditional Chinese painting, pottery and sculpture. The exhibition is jointly exhibited by five students from MPI: CHAN WAI SAN, CHEONG WAN I, CHIO WENG CHONG, LAU WAI MAN and CHAN WENG CHENG. The exhibition is named “Three Rings and Five Links” as it combines the artwork of five artists in three different art fields. From conception, production to exhibition, every step is closely linked with the enthusiasm and pursuit of artistic creation. In their four years of study and exploration in MPI, students have accumulated related experience by continuous attempts in art, successfully transforming their creation into innovative and diverse works. The theme of their art covers various areas from family members getting along with each other, emerging life patterns, memories of “old Macao” to social phenomena and environmental protection issues, which fully demonstrate students’ innovative thinking of integrating life in art as well as reflecting current events with their works. In addition, advanced techniques as well as novel ideas and elements are injected into the works, so as to present the best artwork.
The exhibition period is from today until 19 July 2020. The exhibition hall is open from 12 noon to 8 PM and is closed on Mondays. People are welcome to visit and get to know more about students’ creative ideas.