
Four categories of people added to Macao’s nucleic acid testing scheme

Government Information Bureau
2020-05-26 15:36
  • Press conference held by the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre

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The scope of Macao’s standard scheme enabling human nucleic acid testing regarding COVID-19 infection has been extended – since Monday (25 May) – to Macao residents aged either 65 or above, and those aged either 18 or under.

Monday’s press conference of the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre also announced the scheme was now open to holders of Macao’s disability assessment card and Macao’s medical assistance card for special patients.

The new step does not mean relaxation in existing entry-restriction policies designed to control COVID-19. The four categories of people newly included in the nucleic acid testing scheme will still not be exempted from the 14-day period of medical observation required when travelling between Macao and mainland China, unless they also fulfil other prescribed conditions.

People in the newly-entitled groups must have their test booked online at https://app.ssm.gov.mo/rnatestbook/booking2.0/?lang=en. They can undergo the test either at premises in the Pac On Ferry Terminal, or at Conde S. Januário Hospital. Both test premises are open seven days a week. The test premises in the Pac On Ferry Terminal are open from 9am to 9pm, while test at Conde S. Januário Hospital is available from 9am to 5pm.

The Health Bureau has launched an electronic payment option, enabling people to pay the 180-patacas test fee via the MPay electronic wallet system. People can alternatively pay the fee either at any of the public health centres across the city or at Conde S. Januário Hospital. Payment can be made either before or after the test.

In view of the stable situation regarding COVID-19 in Macao, the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre has updated its press conference schedule. Such conferences will now be held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday – plus any other occasion that might be deemed necessary – rather than daily.

As of Monday, Macao had not recorded any new COVID-19 cases for 47 consecutive days.

There has been a total of 45 confirmed COVID-19 patients in Macao and all of them have been released from medical care. All persons previously classified as having had close contact with confirmed COVID-19 patients have also been given the all-clear after a period of monitoring.

Macao has had zero COVID-19-related deaths and zero infections among medical staff.

Five people have been undergoing a 14-day period of post-recovery health monitoring at the Public Health Clinical Centre in Coloane.

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