
Flags to fly at half-mast to mourn COVID-19 victims

Government Information Bureau
2020-04-03 16:44
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The national flag, along with the flag of the Macao Special Administrative Region, will be displayed at half-mast on Saturday (4 April) to mourn the victims in China of the novel coronavirus and its associated infection COVID-19.

The instruction will apply on all buildings of the Government; on buildings of legislative and judicial bodies; and at representative offices abroad. School premises and public facilities will also take part in the gesture of mourning.

In compliance with a notice issued by the State Council, the public in Macao will, at 10am on Saturday be expected to observe a three-minute silence. This is in order for the Macao community as a whole to express its condolences regarding those who lost their lives amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The State Council notice also suggests suspension on Saturday of public recreational activities, and of any events intended to be of either a celebratory or festive nature.

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