
UM to resume undergraduate courses on 20 April for students graduating this year

University of Macau
2020-03-28 16:58
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In accordance with the guidelines issued by the Higher Education Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region and considering the actual circumstances of the University of Macau (UM), the university has decided that bachelor’s students graduating this academic year will resume classes on 20 April and that bachelor’s students not graduating this academic year will continue with distance learning until the end of this semester. UM stresses that students are not allowed to return to the campus before class resumption without authorisation.

Bachelor’s students graduating this academic year will resume classes on 20 April. During the class resumption period, classes will be conducted in the form of traditional face-to-face instruction blended with distance teaching. The traditional face-to-face teaching will mainly include group discussions, and revision or recapping of the teaching content. Students who cannot return to the campus for class resumption on the aforesaid date due to special situations (such as the epidemic affecting border crossing or travel) may continue with distance learning until the end of this semester. Examinations will be postponed to the period between 20 May and 1 June. The list of students qualified for graduation will be approved by the Senate in mid/late June. Once the list is approved, graduates may apply immediately for testimonials to verify their graduation status. Graduation certificates and transcripts will be issued in mid-July.

Starting from 30 March, students who are currently not in Macao may gradually return to Macao and undergo medical observation according to the requirements of the Macao SAR government. After completing the medical observation, they will need to stay in Macao to practice self-health management for 14 days, and should strictly follow all other anti-epidemic policies and guidelines of the Macao government and UM. Students currently in Macao must not return to the campus before the classes resume except for those currently staying in the RCs.

Bachelor’s students not graduating this academic year will continue with distance learning until the end of the semester. Examinations will be postponed to the period between 20 May and 1 June. As for class resumption for postgraduate students, in accordance with the guidelines of the Macao government and the actual situation of the university, UM will initiate class resumption for master’s and PhD students in a timely manner. These students are not allowed to return to the university without authorisation prior to class resumption. Please pay close attention to future announcements on the university’s website www.um.edu.mo or its official social media pages.

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