
Applicants to five IPIM incentive schemes exempted from submitting certain supporting documents, to ease application processes

Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2017-01-09 20:19
  • IPIM to implement new measure simplifying applications for five incentive measures relating to promotion activities

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The Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM), in co-operation with several government bureaus under the Secretary for Economy and Finance, introduced in August 2015 a simplified “Document Submission Service for Bureaus under the Secretariat for Economy and Finance”. In June 2016, IPIM and the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau jointly launched a new service for collection of notification letters regarding applications for renewal of temporary Macao residency by investors and managerial/technical professionals.

IPIM is now co-operating with several government bodies to introduce another measure to make it easier for users of its services. Applicants for any of the five incentive schemes offered under the “Regulations on Participation in IPIM’s Promotional Activities” are exempted from submitting – as part of their respective applications – certain supporting documents issued, respectively, by the Financial Services Bureau, the Printing Bureau and the Commerce and Movable Property Registry. The aim is to simplify applications and administrative procedures for such incentive schemes, while improving the work processes of public administration.

The five incentive schemes under the “Regulations on Participation in IPIM’s Promotional Activities” that are covered by the new simplifying measure are as follows:

  1. Financial incentives for participation in inbound and outbound exhibitions or trade fairs organised by IPIM.
  2. Financial incentives for participation in inbound and outbound exhibitions or trade fairs not organised by IPIM.
  3. Participation in entrepreneur delegations organised by IPIM.
  4. E-commerce promotion incentive measures.
  5. E-commerce promotion (B2C) incentive Measures.

The supporting documents that applicants are no longer required to submit are as follows:

* Attachment

Os cinco serviços de incentivo em causa servem principalmente para ajudar as empresas de Macau a participarem as feiras de exposição em Macau e fora de Macau, e promover os seus produtos e/ou serviços através de plataformas de comércio electrónico B2B e B2C. Em causa está sobretudo a promoção de produtos incluídos nas seguintes categorias: Produtos fabricados em Macau (“Made in Macao”); marcas de Macau (“Macao brands”); Produtos Concebidos em Macau (“Macao Design”); e produtos provenientes de Países de Língua Portuguesa distribuídos por agentes sediados em Macau.

Através desta nova medida de simplificação dos processos de candidatura, o IPIM isenta os candidatos da apresentação de vários tipos de documentos oficiais emitidos por outros organismos governamentais, que prevê a redução do tempo despendido a reunir a documentação necessária à candidatura, visto que as partes interessadas deixam de precisar de se deslocar a diversos organismos governamentais para requerer e levantar os documentos em causa, elevando, mais ainda, a eficiência da administração pública.

Os interessados em saber mais detalhes sobre esta nova medida podem telefonar para +853 2872 8212 durante o horário de expediente, ou enviar um e-mail para smec@ipim.gov.mo. Em alternativa, podem visitar pessoalmente o Centro de Apoio Empresarial de Macau, sob a alçada do IPIM, durante o horário de expediente, de forma a obter mais informações (Morada: Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, N.º 263, Edif. China Civil Plaza, 19.º andar, Macau).

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