
Registration for handicraft workshops at the “Nam Van Lake Craft Market” is open

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2016-12-30 15:17
  • “Nam Van Lake Craft Market” will hold 15 themed workshops from January to March 2017. All are welcome to register via the online activity registration system on IC’s website.

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 Organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), the “Nam Van Lake Craft Market” will be held at the Anim’Arte NAM VAN, located at the Nam Van Lake Square, Avenida Panorâmica do Lago Nam Van, on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 January to 30 June, 2017, from 2pm to 9pm. During the event, a rich variety of handicraft workshops will be held. Online registration is available from Wednesday, 4 January. Fee for each handicraft workshop is MOP50.

The “Nam Van Lake Craft Market” will hold a total of 15 themed workshops in the first round, from 14 January to 19 March, including: “Preserved hydrangea topiary”, “Succulent bonsai”, “Pressed flower music box”, “Dough clay—Mini macaroons”, “Preserved flower night lights”, “Happy seed children story workshop—The adventures of ladybird Banban (Cantonese class)”, “Happy seed children story workshop—The adventures of ladybird Banban (English class)”, “Industrial style handicraft—Cement clock”, “Glass bottle pendants with colourful sand”, “Japanese-style retro embroidered wallets”, “Natural handmade soap”, “Rolled paper—Mini flowerpots”, “Let’s make embroidery—Handmade embroidered reusable bags”, “Preserved flower photo frames” and “Japanese-style vintage embroidered long wallets”.

 For more information about the dates and content of the workshops, please visit the Activity Registration System on IC’s website (www.icm.gov.mo/eform/event/) from 4 January. Online registration is available until Wednesday, 11 January, at 5pm. Successful applicants will be selected by drawing lots and will be notified by SMS and email on Friday, 13 January. Successful applicants should pay registration fees on site 15 minutes prior to the workshop; latecomers who arrive 10 minutes after the workshop start will be disqualified and will be replaced by the applicants in the waiting list. On-site registration and payment to all workshops starts 30 minutes before the workshop start, subject to availability. For more information about the admissions of each workshop and the class schedule, please visit the Macao Cultural and Creative Industries Website (www.macaucci.com), or the “Macao Craft Market” page on Facebook (www.facebook.com/MacaoCraftMarket/). For enquiries, please contact Ms. Wong, staff member of IC, through tel. no. (853) 2892 4040 during office hours.




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