
Social responsibilities fulfilment dominates mid-term gaming review

Government Information Bureau
2015-01-19 20:58
  • Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac.

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Developing non-gaming attractions, fulfilling corporate social responsibilities and realising promises in the concessions were the major elements for consideration in the mid-term review on gaming, according to Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac.

The Government would also evaluate if the concessionaires helped the industry expand healthily, their roles in helping Macao become a world centre of tourism and leisure, as well as enhance its international competitiveness.

Mr Leong, who made these comments after a meeting with local media on 18 January: he said the review on gaming concessions was of high on priority list of tasks for this year.

The Government has commissioned higher education institutes to carry out the related work, he said.

Licences for the three existing concessionaires together with their three sub-concessionaires would expire in early 2020.

Mr Leong said any adjustment on the gaming tax rate and regulation would be considered only after the mid-term evaluation. The rumours of increasing the tax was just rumours and nothing has been decided, he added.

In the meeting with media representatives, Mr Leong said the press was an important conduit for promoting government policies and new developments of Macao, giving the people better knowledge of the emerging situation in the gaming sector.

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