
CE outlines problems to be solved in Macao’s development

Government Information Bureau
2014-09-23 23:45
  • Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, concludes his visit to Beijing at the Representative Office of the Macao SAR in Beijing.

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The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, said today that the present and the next SAR Government must strive to solve various problems in the course of Macao’s development.

He pointed out that people had often discussed Macao’s deep-rooted problems, which existed due to historical reasons or emerged during the development process.

These problems included issues with Macao’s land development and human resources, the gaming sector long being the dominant industry, and long-term mechanisms on housing and transportation. The Government must be more active in promoting adequate economic diversification through regional co-operation.

Mr Chui said the community has accumulated considerable positive energy in recent years, which would help with solving problems. In the years ahead, leading officials must assess these issues and find ways to tackle them.

Of course, research surveys and scientific administration were also essential, he said.

Mr Chui also said wide ranging opinions have been expressed in Macao during the past five years. Most of these suggestions for and critical of the Government were expressed legally, rationally and thoroughly. He expected that public opinion would continue to be expressed in different ways, as Macao had always been a place where people enjoyed freedom of speech and expression.

The Government welcomed views and comments from the public as long, as they are expressed in a lawful, rational and peaceful manner. All related departments and other authorities would also undertake follow up work according to the law.

Mr Chui said it was normal to find members of the public, whether they the younger generation or people from all walks of life, have adopted ways of expressing opinions that differed from those in the past.

In recent years, the development of printed media, electronic media and new media have been changing with the times. In view of this, the Government should also adopt changes to ways it responded to situations, in order to enable members of the public to freely express their views.

Mr Chui also mentioned the importance of enhancing two-way communication so that the Government could hear the people’s voices, and in turn provide clear and effective explanations of its administrative work. He promised that the next Government would enhance two-way communication with the public.

Mr Chui said it was normal for young people to develop critical thinking, but effective dialogue should also be encouraged, to foster constructive suggestions and ultimate solutions for the benefit of Macao’s future development. He said Macao is a harmonious place, and could hopefully continue to maintain its fine tradition as a harmonious community.

Regarding border crossing and transportation issues, during his meeting with the State leaders Mr Chui conveyed a request for extending the opening hours of border checkpoints. He is optimistic on this and hoped such arrangements could be implemented within the present term of government.

Mr Chui re-iterated that the Government hoped to extend the checkpoint operating hours to fully leverage the crossing management system to ease the congestion and long queuing times during peak hours.

The Government was also in discussions with major corporations and gaming enterprises hoping that they would provide transportation for their non-local employees, in order to alleviate the pressures on public transport and at crossings.

Besides improving traffic at the checkpoint crossings, the Transport Bureau has also implemented a series of measures to ease congestion. Survey results at the beginning of this academic year have been more positive regarding travel and traffic conditions.

Mr Chui said that to improve Macao’s traffic condition, long-term development of a mass transit system is essential. More recently, several revisions to public transport have been considered or are in progress. Taxi services are now under review and consultation; public bus services have already been rectified; and there is progress with arrangements at checkpoints. The consultation period for part of the light rail transport route has also been extended.

With active response from all sectors, the results of the consultation are expected to be fruitful. It is hoped that most residents’ views would be clearly reflected after their opinions are collected, compiled and analysed.

Mr Chui also said the fourth-term SAR Government would focus on solving the problems of overlapping functions between government departments. After the team of principal officials for the new Government is formed, he would adhere to his election platform – “United to achieve common goals and share in prosperity”, to develop the master plan for the coming five years.

Me Chui revealed that public administration reform would commence next January in an orderly manner. The two principles are to maintain the overall government budget at the same level while controlling growth in the number of civil servants. All related information will be announced in a transparent way.

Mr Chui also showed his concern about the situation of junior civil servants.

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