Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that visitor arrivals totalled 2,525,026 in May 2014, up by 8% year-on-year; same-day visitors accounted for 54% of the total, at 1,351,799.
Attributable to the long Labour Day holidays, visitors from Mainland China increased by 14% year-on-year to 1,699,778, coming primarily from Guangdong Province (713,949), Fujian Province (73,083) and Hunan Province (60,808); Mainland visitors travelling under the Individual Visit Scheme rose substantially by 21%, at 727,356. Visitors from Taiwan (76,026), the Republic of Korea (39,798) and Japan (26,588) increased by 23%, 20% and 18% respectively year-on-year, while those from Hong Kong (497,244) decreased by 8%. Long-haul visitors from the United States (15,504) and France (3,946) registered year-on-year increase; on the contrary, visitors from Australia (7,906), Canada (6,450) and the United Kingdom (4,663) marked decrease.
The average length of stay of visitors remained unchanged from a year earlier, at 1.0 day in May 2014; overnight and same-day visitors stayed an average of 2.0 days and 0.2 day respectively.
In the first five months of 2014, visitor arrivals reached 12,851,806, up by 9% year-on-year, and same-day visitors accounted for 54% of the total. Analysed by place of residence, visitors from Mainland China (+16%), the Republic of Korea (+17%) and Japan (+7%) increased year-on-year, while those from Hong Kong (-5%) and Taiwan (-1%) decreased. Besides, long-haul visitors from the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom posted year-on-year increase; however, those from Canada registered decline.