IFT Tourism Research Centre (ITRC) will be holding a public seminar “Tourism, Culture and Creativity” on 24 April between 1600 to 1730 at Pousada Conference Room, by Professor Greg Richards who is a Professor of Leisure Studies at the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands. The seminar considers the rapidly developing relationship between tourism and creativity, and how ‘creative tourism’, which enables tourists to discover local cultures through their own creative activities, is becoming a niche in its own right.
The seminar will be conducted in English and free of charge. Please visit IFT’s website http://www.ift.edu.mo/EN/Event/Index/43/420 for further information and registration. While seats are limited, interested parties please register by 22 April. Should there be any enquiry, please feel free to contact Ms. Virginia Hong at 85061-253.