
The Chief Executive, Mr Sam Hou Fai, plants a Machilus chinensis tree at Taipa Pequena 2000 Circuit, with the aim of spurring the Macao public to treasure nature.

Government Information Bureau
2025-03-12 14:15
  • The Chief Executive, Mr Sam Hou Fai, plants a Machilus chinensis tree at Taipa Pequena 2000 Circuit, with the aim of spurring the Macao public to treasure nature. Accompanying Mr Sam in the tree-planting activity are the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Mr Cheong Weng Chon; the Chairman of the Administration Committee on Municipal Affairs of the Municipal Affairs Bureau, Mr Chao Wai Ieng; and the Chairwoman of the Consultative Committee on Municipal Affairs of the Municipal Affairs Bureau, Ms Hoi Lok Man.

  • The Chief Executive, Mr Sam Hou Fai, poses for a group photograph with guests attending the tree-planting activity at Taipa Pequena 2000 Circuit.

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