
MUR launches Macau New Neighbourhood official account on WeChat

Macau Renovação Urbana, S.A.
2024-11-09 11:52
  • Scan and follow MNN’s official account on “MNN_Hengqin” on WeChat and WeChat Channels.

The Youtube video is unavailable

For the general public to have easier access to the latest information about Macau New Neighbourhood (MNN) and for a better user experience, Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) has launched an official account “MNN_Hengqin” on WeChat where the public can find updates about the neighbourhood and its latest happenings.

At the same time, MUR has also created an account for MNN on WeChat Channels, which is linked to the MNN_Hengqin official account, so that the public can view videos of the neighbourhood.

Follow MNN’s official and video accounts on WeChat by searching “MNN_Hengqin” or by scanning the QR codes.

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