Company statistics for the 2nd quarter of 2024
Statistics and Census Service
2024-08-05 16:09
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that the number of newly incorporated companies rose by 62 quarter-on-quarter to 1,179 in the second quarter of 2024, while the number of companies in dissolution grew by 137 to 365; this represented a net increase of 814 in the number of companies. Among the newly incorporated companies, 374 were operating in Wholesale & Retail Trade and 345 in Business Services. Meanwhile, total value of registered capital of the new companies fell by 24.2% quarter-on-quarter to MOP154 million, due to a decrease in the number of new companies with large capital in Financial Activities and those engaged in the industries related to high-tech products.

As regards origin of capital of the newly incorporated companies, Macao and mainland China contributed MOP94 million (61.0% of total) and MOP50 million (32.7%) respectively. Capital from the Mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area totalled MOP33 million, of which Zhuhai accounted for 62.4%. Besides, capital from Hong Kong stood at MOP8 million.

Analysed by size of registered capital, there were 799 new companies (67.8% of total) registered with capital under MOP50,000, and the value of capital (MOP21 million) made up 13.4% of the total. Meanwhile, 24 new companies were registered with capital of MOP1 million or over, and the value of capital (MOP84 million) constituted 54.8% of the total.

In the first half of 2024, there were 2,296 newly incorporated companies and 593 companies in dissolution, representing a net increase of 1,703 in the number of companies. Total registered capital was MOP356 million in the first half year.

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