The Financial Intelligence Office of Macao visited the Guangdong Branch of the People's Bank of China
Financial Intelligence Office
2023-09-26 15:00
  • Photos of representatives from the PBOC Guangdong Branch and the GIF

  • Photos of representatives from the PBOC Guangdong Branch and the GIF

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To promote the establishment of an effective financial risk prevention and control mechanism between Guangdong and Macao and the strengthening of risk management and preventive work in key areas as set out in the “Opinions on Financial Support for the Development of the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin”, representatives of the Financial Intelligence Office (GIF) visited the Anti-Money Laundering unit of the Guangdong Branch of the People's Bank of China (PBOC) in Guangzhou on 25 September 2023.

During the meeting, both parties shared the work experiences in assessing the risk of money laundering/terrorist financing/proliferation financing, explored the latest typologies and trends of suspicious transactions involving cross-border capital flows, and exchanged views on AML trainings and promotion programs on financial talents in the Greater Bay Area, so as to enhance the prevention of cross-border money laundering offences in a more comprehensive and efficient manner. The representatives attending this meeting included Vice President of PBOC Guangdong Branch, Mr. Qin Daoai, Director of AML Division, Mr. He Yong, as well as, Director of GIF, Ms. Chu Un I and other representatives.

Over the years, the GIF has maintained a good co-operation and communication mechanism with the Mainland AML authorities, through sharing of latest trends and information on the prevention and combating of ML and TF offences between the Mainland and Macao, with an aim to mitigate the associated risks of ML and TF. Therefore, in order to establish a closer financial intelligence exchange mechanism, with the focus on enhancing the systematic and timely reporting of suspicious information and expanding the channels for information sharing, GIF will continue to explore different types of co-operation options with neighboring AML counterparts in the Guangdong Province in the future.

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