Organized by Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), the Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022 (the “Drone Gala”) will dazzle the city in early May. A total of eight drone shows will take place at Nam Van Lake on four upcoming nights — Labor Day Holidays (1 and 2 May) and the ensuing weekend (7 and 8 May). Residents and visitors are welcome to enjoy the shows at Nam Van Lake area and Anim’Arte NAM VAN for a wonderful holiday experience.
880 drones in one show
The Drone Gala is themed as “Macao for All Seasons” this year and weaves together different elements such as festivals, events and unique architecture. In every show, a constellation of 880 drones is choreographed to present more captivating 3D patterns, compared with the use of 300 drones last year. New outreach activities will unfold in tandem with the Drone Gala, including display of a gigantic drone and the distinctive patterns formed by drones, drone photography contest and drone formation design contest. More information about the activities will be announced at a later time.
Online and offline promotions
MGTO will widen the publicity for the Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022 through various offline and online channels such as WeChat, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Douyin and various platforms of travel influencers, besides release of promotional videos, to promote the drone extravaganza and Macao as a safe and quality destination among Mainland visitors.
Strict compliance with pandemic prevention guidelines
Upon admission to the designated audience area set up for the Drone Gala, spectators are required to present their green Macao Health Code, scan the venue code, undergo temperature checks and maintain social distance, as well as to wear masks throughout the time on site.
All performers and staffers who participate in this event will fulfill the requirements of the “Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia – Advice on the Management of Collective Festive Events, and Recreational and Sports Activities” issued by Health Bureau, i.e. having received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine or taken a nucleic acid test for COVID-19.
The function/performance and communication channel of drones are subject to variations in wind speed and rainfall rate. If the situation requires postponement or cancellation of the shows, the Office will seek to announce the news to the public as soon as possible.